2.2 The ONCE Foundation The ONCE promoted the creation of the ONCE Foundation in 1988 to extend its solidarity, with the income generated by lottery management, to the rest of the disabled people in Spain and the world. It has a full 3% of the revenue from these sales, to which a higher amount is added if different levels of revenue are exceeded, as has been the case in the last two years. With this amount, plus the co-management of funding from Brussels from the European Social Fund (ESF) - demonstrating year after year how to multiply the social impact of the-se funds - it is the largest endowed Foundation in the world to work in favour of people with disabilities. Its management model is a Board of Trustees, representing the main organisa-tions bringing these people together, as well as other institutions. Keep reading Keep reading Keep reading The end-goal of all this social investment is the full integration of people with disabili-ties into the labour market, supported by three key areas that include all the aspects that may affect their vital development: firstly, the promotion of professional quali-fications, work skills and personal and pro-fessional abilities; secondly, access to qua-lity employment; and thirdly, the promotion of universal accessibility. To this end, the ONCE Foundation promotes, endorses and finances projects originating from the network of disability associations, implementing them with absolute efficien-cy. In 2023, 2,290 projects were approved, a way for civil society linked to disability to be the driving force behind the sector and act as a lever for inclusion, with the finan-cial aid to put it into effect. Of the amount allocated to approved pro-jects, 75.3% went to employment and em-ployment training, and the remaining 24.7% to actions linked to universal accessibility. 32.6% of the successful applications are from individuals; 65.4% of the grants have been allocated to disability organisations; and the remaining 11% to self-initiated pro-grammes for people with disabilities. In 2023, the entities linked to the ONCE Foundation signed a total of 208 agree-ments, where 183 of different types were managed from the Foundation, and another 25 promoted by the Inserta Empleo and In-novación associations, all of them related to training and employment. The ONCE Foundation, hence, fulfils its main function, with a global endowment of 129.8 million euros in 2023 earmarked for the full inclusion of people with disabilities. The main source of funding comes from the ONCE, with 79.9 million euros this year. This is in addition to 30.8 million from the co-ma-nagement of European Social Fund (ESF) revenue, a key partnership and an example of how to multiply communal efforts in our country with tangible results. In addition, and to a lesser extent, there is other minor sources of income from, among others, donations through the microsite ‘Co-labora’ (http://colabora.fundaciononce.es). Swipe to read more