Keep reading Keep reading Keep reading All in all, as part of the ONCE Social Group’s ESG objectives, we have promoted a solid institutio-nal and reputational agenda that has positioned us as an interlocutor of reference to many diffe-rent operators, both in the public and private spheres, materialised through the ONCE Social Group’s Institutional Relations Plan. To this end, we work with legislators, parlia-mentarians and other stakeholders to pro-mote more informed regulations and deci-sions that take into account the cross-cutting nature of disability. An activity of particular relevance in a socio-political context whe-re more and more actors are involved and where regulatory and legislative decisions exponentially determine the configuration of organisational environments. The ONCE Social Group is committed to continuing to strengthen the mechanisms of transparency and regulation of Public Affairs and Institu-tional Relations. Demonstrating, once again, the work done around all the components of the ESG. In this context, throughout 2023 we have been able to continue consolidating the role of the ONCE Social Group as an interlocutor, benchmark and point of reference to Public Administrations and other stakeholders. Strengthening our position and allowing us to act proactively and take the initiative in the face of possible regulatory initiatives of interest. Always working, what’s more, in co-llaboration with CERMI and other entities of the disability associative movement or the Third Sector. A group of people, activities and companies with such a broad social character cannot remain oblivious to minimising possible im-pact on the planet and therefore try to serve as example that, one lightbulb at a time, one litre of water at a time, one sheet of paper at a time, any little initiative does its part towards a better future, with a strenuous effort from each area and as a whole. The ONCE is implementing an environmen-tal management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard in all its centres, ob-taining certification in 2023 in the Gaming Products Production and Logistics Centre (CLP) and the Educational Resources Cen-tre (CRE) in Madrid, and plans to extend the certification to other centres in 2024. During 2023, environmental dissemination and awareness-raising activities continued to be carried out, such as: 1. Raising awareness and promoting the use of the PortalONCE intranet among the sta-ff to minimise paper transactions and avoid the physical issuing of documents. 2. Training on environmental sustainability for non-vendor staff through the ONCE Vir-tual Campus. 3. Online workshops on circular economy, en-vironmental management, carbon footprint and waste management for staff involved in environmental issues. 4. Organisation of an event on 5 June to mark World Environment Day. 5. Issuing of 20 million coupons between 5 and 8 June to raise awareness of environ-mental conservation, biodiversity and clean energy. Swipe to read more