Swipe to read more The ONCE’s Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS) establishes the Organisation’s risk management and control framework. The main impacts and risks identified are analysed through the Risk Map, which currently inclu-des 19 risks of an economic, social and envi-ronmental nature and related to the integrity of the Organisation and fraud. A new risk related to the environment was ad-ded in 2023: “Non-compliance with relevant regulations for the ONCE, in environmental matters, which could have an impact for eco-nomic and/or reputational reasons”. Risk identification and management is coor-dinated at different levels of the organisation. Each risk has an assigned risk manager who fills in a quarterly form with the associated controls and alarm indicators, which can be modified if the situation requires it. The pro-bability of an undesired event being signifi-cantly reduced and corrective measures pro-posed, depends on their proper management. These files are reported quarterly to the Risk Coordinator, who prepares a report with the most relevant aspects for analysis by the Risk Committee. The results obtained by the set of risks that make up the Risk Map are reported annually to the General Audit Committee of the ONCE Social Group, which, in turn, supervises the effectiveness of the risk management sys-tems. For its part, Ilunion has an integrated risk ma-nagement system (IRMS or ERM) designed to identify potential events that could affect it, manage its risks within the accepted risk levels and provide reasonable assurance of achieving objectives. This system has a poli-cy that is aligned with the main risk manage-ment standards, in particular those set out in the ISO 31000 standard. Ilunion’s risk management policies are deter-mined by the state of the markets in which its branches of activity operate. The ONCE Foundation also has a comprehen-sive risk system, with a policy and a monito-ring system, following the same international standard and model as Ilunion. Although the system affects and involves all staff, the Risk Sub-Committee is a key element. In addition, and with regard to the manage-ment of programmes co-financed by the Eu-ropean Social Fund, the ONCE Foundation, as Intermediate Body, applies a risk manage-ment approach based on specific matrices linked to the different execution modalities that have been updated in 2023, together with the description of the management and con-trol systems, which ensures adequate com-pliance with the functions delegated by the ESF+ Managing Authority. Tools are available for the control of these ris-ks, such as the aforementioned matrices, as well as for their mitigation, which have been set out in a manual that includes the ONCE Foundation’s anti-fraud policy in the manage-ment of the ESF. Risk management also has two specific systems in the areas of Criminal Compliance and Tax Compliance. Zero risk