The main measures carried out to reduce energy consumption are: Ilunion Sociosanitario, S.A. and Ilunion Ser-vicios Industriales, in the area of Catalonia, have proceeded to replace the luminaires with LED technology. Ilunion Sociosanitario, Ilunion Hotels, Ilunion Reciclados and Ilunion Servicios Industria-les in the Levante area have renewed air conditioning and/or cooling equipment. Ilunion Lavanderías has drawn up an ener-gy efficiency plan with actions focused on three areas: machinery, installations and processes. In its development and imple-mentation, actions have been prioritised according to criteria such as energy effi-ciency, reduction of energy consumption and reduction of CO2 emissions into the at-mosphere. In addition, the decentralisation of the production of thermal energy from the generating equipment to the consu-ming equipment has continued, which has led to a reduction in the consumption of thermal energy and a saving of Tn CO2 eq. BREAAM Certification: throughout 2023 Ilunion Hotels has carried out BREEAM as-sessment and certification in five hotels. Establishment of energy efficiency require-ments in the purchase of products or equip-ment that may have a significant impact on energy consumption. In this sense, Ilunion Retail y Comercialización, S.A. only carries out the purchase, renovation or replace-ment of energy consuming equipment with energy certificate A or higher. Likewise, for the purchase of refrigeration appliances and vending machines it is established as a requirement that they must have the re-frigerant gas R-290, which is characterised by its low environmental impact. Environmental awareness-raising for cus-tomers and employees. Ilunion Retail and Commercialisation esta-blishes in its protocols that shop personnel ensure that refrigeration equipment doors are closed after use. Sustainable mobility Renewable energies Absorption of emissions Waste management Swipe to read more In 2023, the company approved a Sustai-nable Mobility Policy and Plan 2024-2027, with the aim of setting a benchmark for good practices in this area, and among the actions carried out, the following should be highlighted: Modification of travel policy and installation of recharging points for electric vehicles Ilunion Facilty Services and Ilunion Laun-dries have guidelines for efficient vehicle driving. Ilunion Lavanderías provided training on efficient driving and good practices Ilunion Lavanderías, as well as Ecologistic Operations and Logiraees, all have a fleet management system. It should also be no-ted that in these last two companies, dedi-cated to the transport of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), more than 45% of the kilometres travelled were made with sustainable vehicles, avoiding the emission of 52.4 tonnes of CO2. In relation to the daily commuting of staff to work, flexible working and teleworking mea-sures, as well as the promotion of e-learning also have a positive impact on emissions. In addition, some centres have a shuttle bus with a high number of users. Swipe to read more Purchase of certified electricity from re-newable sources. All the energy of Ilunion Hotels and Ilunion Facility Services came from renewable energies. Solar photovoltaic production 40% of industrial plants and hotels are equi-pped with photovoltaic power supply sys-tems. Ilunion Lavanderías has continued with the Green Roofs 2020-2023 project to gene-rate 15% photovoltaic solar energy with a production of 1 GWh/year. By the end of 2023, 22 of the 45 plants had this technology, which generated 4,808.69 MWh and avoided the emission of 1,307.96 Tn CO2 eq. As well, in 2022, several Group companies (Ilunion Retail, Ilunion Ibéricos de Azuaga, Ilunion Reciclados, Ilunion Contact Center, and Ilunion Hotels) have photovoltaic solar panels. The companies Ilunion Reciclados, Ilunion Automoción, Ilunion Hotels and Ilunion So-ciosanitario use solar thermal panels for the production of domestic hot water (DHW). Biomass boiler in the Ilunion Alcora hotel and in Ilunion Ibéricos de Azuaga. Aerothermal system for DHW production in the Ilunion San Mamés and Ilunion Costa Sal hotels. Throughout 2023 Ilunion Laundries, Ilunion Hotels, Ilunion Facility Services and Ilu-nion Recycling have measured their scope 3 emissions map. To minimise these emis-sions, Ilunion will deploy an action plan with its suppliers (partners) in order to address these challenges together. Swipe to read more On the other hand, Ilunion has launched ‘Ilu-nion Forest’, an initiative to offset CO2 emis-sions, while Ilunion Hotels has added two fo-rests with 500 trees. In addition, Ilunion IT Services, through a partnership, has offset 72.5 tonnes of CO2. Ilunion is also committed to circular economy as the basis for a new sustainable economic model. In fact, this vision is integrated into its business strategy with the creation of Re-cycling4all, a growing company that incor-porates the recycling and logistics business line. Paper and toner are two of the most com-mon materials used by the vast majority of companies. With regard to the use of paper, reduction is one of the Group’s objectives, and a large number of them consume eco labelled or eco certified paper. By the same token and with the aim of improving efficien-cy, Ilunion promotes environmental aware-ness among employees. Each of the business lines, within its own sphere, works actively to promote the res-ponsible and efficient use of resources. In 2023, Ilunion reduced the generation of non-hazardous waste by 15%, thanks to the various measures implemented, and actions were taken to minimise water consumption. With regard to the ONCE Foundation, while the impact is not particularly significant gi-ven to the nature of its activity, it addresses certain lines of action in the area of environ-mental sustainability in line with the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs, and the Sustainability Policy of the executive area and the Sustai-nability Master Plan 2023-2026. In accordance with the ONCE Foundation’s purpose, the following lines of action in the field of environmental sustainability stand out: Commitment to create jobs for people with disabilities in sectors and activities related to sustainability, such as the TandEM pro-ject. Focus on adaptation to climate change in the organisation, taking into account that people with disabilities are a particularly vulnerable group. Strengthening partnerships such as par-ticipation in Foundations for Climate, an initiative of the Spanish Association of Foundations; Jobs 2030: “Future of Work” promoted by Forética; or the joint publica-tion with the ILO of the ‘Making the Green Transition inclusive for people with disabi-lities’ report. In terms of environmental management, the ONCE Foundation, Inserta Empleo and Servimedia have Environmental Manage-ment Systems certified under the UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management standard. Thus, 75% of the entities that make up the Executive Area of the ONCE Foundation are certified and the external audits (AENOR) conducted in 2023 within the framework of the certification of the Environmental Mana-gement System according to UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 have been resolved favourably in both the ONCE Foundation, Servimedia and Inserta Empleo, maintaining the certification in all cases. In terms of pollution, we must highlight the correct management of waste, continuous improvement in equipment efficiency and facilities, as well as raising awareness among the staff regarding energy efficiency, and the prevention and segregation of waste and dumping, among others. In addition, initiatives to promote more sus-tainable mobility were promoted, which also have an impact on reducing pollution. With regard to the diesel vehicles that make up the ONCE Foundation’s fleet, it is worth hi-ghlighting the regular use of chemicals for pollution control, in order to reduce the har-mful gases emitted into the atmosphere. Swipe to read more In terms of waste management, the main measures carried out were: Initiatives to minimise the generation of waste, contributing to this - in the case of paper - the progressive digitalisation of the activity or singular initiatives such as the NPI (“No Printed Paper”) project. There are no vending machines at the ONCE Foundation headquarters, and cups and glasses, cutlery, coffee machines, etc., as well as water fountains, are made available to the staff in order to minimise the gene-ration of waste. The use of plastic bottles at meetings and events is also avoided be-ing replaced by more sustainable options. Use of recycled materials, such as recycled or eco-labelled paper and remanufactured toner. Regular donation of replaced furniture Awareness-raising among staff and insta-llation of “clean points” in the centres. As for the waste that is finally generated, it is managed correctly, complying with current legislation and facilitating collection and re-cycling, delivering each waste product to approved entities for its management. Swipe to read more